The Nation
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis members continue to carry with them the traditional knowledge, inner-strength and dignity of our ancestors. Our people consistently strive to provide for their families and to enhance the overall wellbeing, success and health of our Nation.
The Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation are affiliated with the larger tribal grouping known as the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council. The traditional territory of the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis consists of pristine lands and waters, which encompassing one of the most resource rich areas in the province.
As a Nation, we are actively engaged politically, economically and on day-to-day issues. We continually seek ways to develop prosperity in and around our territory and to help our families to succeed. In carrying out these activities are continually mindful of the role of our traditional laws governing our territory, waters and traditional economy.
Our population is young, and dynamic and continues to grow. Through its leadership, Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis continue to exploring new opportunities and ways to meet new challenges for the Nation.
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation culture is based on our deep, enduring connection to our lands, waters, resources and all living things. Although we all have our own origin stories of how we came to be, we are part of the larger Kwakwaka’wakw tribal grouping and speak the Kwawala language. We share many of the same stories, traditional knowledge, language and practices of other Kwakwaka’wakw peoples. In particular, we are a marine resource oriented culture and contact with the ocean and its resources is of great important our people.
It is the aim of all Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis members that our present and future generations will continue to uphold our cultural teachings, practices and laws in the pursuit of new economic opportunities and striving to carve a new path forward.
The main village site of the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation is located at Gwa’yas’dums (Gilford Island), which is approximately 382 square kilometres (147 sq mi). Gwa’yas’dums is an island located between Tribune Channel and Knight Inlet in British Columbia, Canada.
There is no year-round road access to any of the villages of the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation. Access is only by boat and all consumables and household products must be shipped in.
In addition to the village at Gwa’yas’dums, the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis have several other village sites including:
Ahta: Which is located at mouth of the Ohta River, on Bond South, on Tribune Channel, North of Gilford Island;
Alalco: Located at the mouth of the Wakeman River at the north end of Wakeman Sound;
Dakiulis: Located the tip of Islet Point on the Westside of Gilford Island;
Dug-da-myse: On the West Shore of Wakeman Sound;
Kakweken: Is located at the mouth of the Kakweken River at the head of Thompson Sound off of Tribune Channel;
Kye-Yaa-la: is at Sail Island in Retreat Passage, West of Gilford Island (including the smaller off-shore islands);
Kyidagwis: Located on the Westerly shore of Wakeman Sound, Kingcome Inlet;
Kyimla: At Trafford Point, East of Gilford Island; and
Meetup: At the head of Viner Sound, Gilford Island.